Frequently asked questions


What is a thermal bridge?

A thermal bridge is a point or linear zone which, in the envelope of a building, presents a variation of thermal resistance. This is a point in the construction where the insulating barrier is broken. In the case of a regular construction, the thermal bridges are all the places where there is a 2×6 which creates the connection between the exterior and the interior, therefore in several places.

What is the R factor of a conventional wall today?

Today’s building standards require a minimum R-24 factor. This is usually achieved with an exterior panel insulation of R-4 and 2×6 walls filled with insulation wool for a value of R-20. The problem with these walls is that the insulation is not continuous (there is no wool where there is a 2×6) and the wool may in some places not be properly installed and create voids thermal. The effective R-value of this type of wall is often closer to R-18 at the end of construction. In addition, this type of construction leaves room for multiple thermal bridges.

What is an R-Count value?

The R-Effective value of a wall is the combined value of all the insulating elements forming part of the composition of the wall or limiting the R effect of other elements. For example, a traditional wall is insulated with wool, but where there are 2x6s and lintels, the insulating value drops drastically.

What is the expected heating savings?

The concepts of heat loss in a property are complex and are influenced by several phenomena. Walls account for an average of 25% of heat loss. A simple mathematical calculation therefore suggests that an efficient R-32 would save you at least 12% on your heating costs. The effect of this insulation on your ability to hold your air conditioning inside should not be overlooked either.

What are the disadvantages of traditional constructions?

Traditional constructions present several challenges in terms of waterproofing, moisture accumulation and load resistance. Lintels are not always made the right way and cause high risks of structural problems. The installation of the interior vapor barrier is often inadequate and it is very difficult to properly seal around power outlets, for example. These sealing problems lead to moisture infiltration in the walls, causing mold and inevitably serious health problems. The possible repression of the wool in the walls is a must over time.

How to explain the price difference between Osblock walls and conventional walls?

It’s hard to make a comparison on a materials list basis alone. Conventional walls or prefabricated walls usually only have an R-24 factor, so the cost of an R-8 insulation product and the cost of window extensions should be added at a minimum by this addition as well as the factor binding of walls which will then probably be more than 11” thick. In addition, the difference between the 2 prices does not take into account the labor costs of traditional construction, which are often more than double the cost of materials. Osblock will save you more than 40% of the time planned for your construction. Also the reduction of work teams (everything can be built with a team of 3 people) offers greater flexibility on construction sites.

You should also know that the walls correspond to 5% of the overall budget granted to the new construction. Making the choice to build with Osblock will have an impact of 1% to 1.5% across the entire budget.

I am interested in the product, but the price is a bit high for my budget, what should I do?

The construction of a residence is often the culmination of a long-awaited dream on the part of the occupants. Our house is a nest in which we will found our family. Although the walls are not the biggest expense of a construction, they are largely responsible for your comfort and safety in our residence. Among everything that is part of the overall budget of a residence, we should not skimp on everything associated with the structure since it cannot be modified over time. We can change our floating floor for hardwood flooring or even replace our melamine cabinets for beautiful solid wood cabinets, but when will we have the opportunity to change our walls to make them more insulated and more soundproof. If I had to stick to a budget in my build, I would choose to save on something other than walls.

Why should I spend more on Osblock?

OSBLOCK makes you do in 1 step what a traditional wall will require you to do in 8 or 9 steps, resulting in significant time savings. Its wide availability and ease of use are also to be taken into account. However, the best answer to this question can probably be found in another product that you use in your build and for which you no longer ask yourself this question. Although it would be much more economical to use 2x10s and good old Saint-André crosses to make your floors like in the 70s/80s, your home will probably have joists made of engineered wood. These joists are no longer questioned by the construction world, because, although 2 to 3 times the price of 2×10 floors, they have solved so many structural defects in residences and save so much time that no one has to worry anymore. the question. It’s more expensive, but that’s what we need. Osblock has exactly the same potential since it offers so many advantages and solves so many construction-related problems that it becomes a must in your projects.

How much foam should I put in the groove before installing the blocks?

Usually, low expansion foam rods are used with a dispensing gun. The ratio is 1 cane of foam for 10 to 12 blocks. The rifle’s natural flow allows a thin stream to be dispensed sufficient to seal the block joint. When the 2 blocks are placed on top of each other, the foam will spread over the entire surface of the joint and will then serve as both an adhesive and a sealant.

What is the weight of a block?

A block weighs 80 lbs (36.3 kgdg) and can be moved around the site by one person. As for the installation at height, it is preferable to be 2 to handle it properly.

Where can you get Osblock?

You can obtain the equipment directly from Osblock or via one of our resellers. Several options are available to you such as pick-up at the factory, delivery to the dealer or delivery directly to the site. Everything can be coordinated at the time of ordering.

Is it possible to make more than one floor with Osblock?

Indeed it is possible to make 2 floors with the Osblock walls without further validation necessary. These 2 floors can be up to 14′ to 16′ high each. Special projects can also be evaluated by our engineers.

Can I use Osblock for my foundations?

Osblock is designed for above ground applications. Your foundations can be built in any way (complete concrete foundations or on slab) as long as this foundation can structurally support your walls and your roof.

Do I need an Osblock certified contractor to build me?

Absolutely not. Osblocks walls can be installed by professionals or neophytes. The product has been specifically designed to be easy to use and to avoid the mistakes most often encountered in conventional construction. The regulations of the construction network must however be respected.

What do I do with doors and windows over 7 feet wide?

The limit of the blocks to serve as a lintel is 84”. If you have a larger opening, you will need to make a lintel out of LVL. You will then need to insert this LVL in the center of the block on either side of the opening. Depending on the load to be supported, you may need to add lvl’s on either side of the first. You will fill the remaining space with styrofoam.

Are Osblock walls strong enough to support my roof?

Absolutely. Walls built with Osblock are 40% more structurally sound than conventional walls. For example, Osblock walls support 7,000 lbs per linear foot.

What are the other advantages of Osblock vs other types of constructions?

In addition to the known advantages of Osblock in terms of insulation and sealing, we can easily add these which are often less thought of:

-Osblock’s heart of OSB makes it possible to have solid on 100% of your exterior walls, so when it comes time to install your cabinets, your TV stand and even your window treatments, you will always have screwing if you use a screw of at least 4”, both outside and inside.

– No matter where you are at the end of your installation day, you can stop at any time and easily postpone the rest of the work to the next day.

– Few construction methods allow to build large (long) walls with only a team of 3 people. With Osblock, we only handle one block at a time, so even with a small team, your project will only be matched by your imagination.


For any other questions or additional information, we invite you to contact us via the following site:
