Always straight.
Manufactured in a state-of-the art factory, our mortises and tenons system guarantees straight walls in every situations.
No matter what you build or where you build it,
OSBLOCK™ is always straight.
Forever strong.
Given his solid core, the OSBLOCK™ system provides heavy structural performance. It holds a lot more than traditionnal framing.
No matter what you build or where you build it,
it will stand. Forever.
Superior insulation
No thermal bridge. None.
Given his unique design, the OSBLOCK™ cuts any possible thermal bridge giving your house an effective R-value of 32. It’s perfect for northern construction, passive housing and so many more!
Keep your house cool all summer
and warm on winter nights.
No leak and Airtight
Thermal cameras and blower door tests will reveal excellent results
Other features

Superior acoustics
Given his unique design, the OSBLOCK™ also results in superior acoustics in the house.

Northern construction
The OSBLOCK™ is easy to move around, requires less tools so you can build anywhere you want.

Strong winds
OSBLOCK™-built buildings stays strong and resist to strong winds up to 340km/h.

OSBLOCK™buildings have enough structural power to stand against earthquakes.
How it compares
Better performances
one block at a time
Effective R-Factor
What they say about OSBLOCK™
OSBLOCK™ means
OSBLOCK™ means